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  • Box toe (toe puff)

    Box toe (toe puff)

  • Reinforcement


  • Counter


  • Counter Linings

    Counter Linings

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Results showing 16

C series

Suitable for

Thickness range 0.85 - 2.05
Firmness Medium, Hard
Shape retention 80%

Milspeed C series is a thermoplastic impregnated non-woven counter material suitable for all types of footwear where a hard and economica...


Suitable for

Thickness range 0.35 - 0.85
Firmness Soft
Shape retention

EX  is a highly resilient soft filmic toe puff material incorporating one layer of non-woven backer


Suitable for

Thickness range 0.40 - 0.90
Firmness Soft
Shape retention

EXX  is a highly resilient soft filmic toe puff material incorporating two layers of non-woven backer


Suitable for

Thickness range 0.35 - 1.15
Firmness Soft, Medium
Shape retention

MIlflex is an economical extruded filmic boxtoe (toe puff) material incorporating a high percentage of recycled polymer. The skeletal was...

Milflex HM2

Suitable for

Thickness range 0.40 - 1.30
Firmness Soft, Medium, Hard
Shape retention 78%

MILFLEX HM2 is an economical extruded filmic counter & reinforcement material incorporating a high percentage of recycled polymer. Th...

Milflex Granules

Suitable for

Thickness range N/A - N/A
Firmness Medium, Hard
Shape retention N/A

Milflex is also available in plastic granules suitable for the injection moulding of counters, particularly for sports shoes. It gives a ...

Milform E

Suitable for

Thickness range 0.35 - 1.85
Firmness Soft, Medium, Hard
Shape retention 95%

A hard but resilient thermoplastic box toe &  counter material which activates at a low temperature. MILFORM can either be softened ...


Suitable for

Thickness range 0.5 - 1.3
Firmness Soft, Medium, Hard
Shape retention 90%

MILGUARD OCEAN C ™ ( patent pending) is a new generation of filmic counter materials, incorporating a unique polymer blend which includ...


Suitable for

Thickness range 0.35 - 0.95
Firmness Soft, Medium
Shape retention 90%

MILGUARD OCEAN T ™ ( patent pending) is a new generation of filmic boxtoe materials, incorporating a unique polymer blend which include...

Milsoft HM2

Suitable for

Thickness range 0.30 - 0.70
Firmness Soft
Shape retention 90%

An extruded polymer material suitable as a reinforcement for vamps and other areas on shoe uppers where soft but highly resilient reinfor...

Milsoft R

Suitable for

Thickness range 0.25 - 0.40
Firmness Soft
Shape retention 90%

Milsoft R is a soft but highly resilient extruded polymer box toe material suitable for all types of shoes where soft resilience is requi...


Suitable for

Thickness range 0.35 - 1.05
Firmness Medium, Hard
Shape retention 75%

RSE is a medium hard and economical boxtoe material containing a high percentage of recycled polymer Available in a range of thicknesses ...


Suitable for

Thickness range 0.40 - 1.10
Firmness Soft, Medium
Shape retention 75%

RSE HM2 is an economical economical extruded polymer reinforcement & counter material incorporating a high recycled content. Suitable...

T series

Suitable for

Thickness range 0.65 - 1.65
Firmness Medium, Hard
Shape retention 85%

T Series is a hard boxtoe material suitable for all types of footwear requiring a firm but economal thermoplastic impregnated non woven b...


Suitable for

Thickness range 0.25 - 0.95
Firmness Soft, Medium
Shape retention 75%

TV is a medium-hard and very resilient filmic boxtoe (toe puff) material suitable for all types of footwear where a medium-hard support b...


Suitable for

Thickness range 0.40 - 1.10
Firmness Medium
Shape retention 75%

TVii is a medium-hard but very resilient filmic toe puff (box toe) material suitable for many different types of footwear.